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    Friday, November 08, 2024


    I love finding new things to do with leftovers and I had some leftover mashed potato, in the fridge, usually I make fish cakes

    In the middle of the night, I woke up and this idea came into my head, Why not pinwheels?

    I lovemaking savoury pinwheels, and have tried many flavours

    Here’s my latest

    I haven't given exact quantities and it all depends on how much mashed potato one has

    You will need

    Sheet of Flaky Puff Pastry

    Mashed potatoes 

    Red pepper finely chopped

    Red onion finely chopped 

    A Tbs spoon grated Parmesan 

    Small splash Sweet Chilli Sauce 

    A little chopped spring onion leaf just for colour 

    Egg to bind and to brush over  before baking

    Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 

    First, Prepare your vege

    Mix the potatoes, red pepper, red onion, green onion

    Sweet Chilli sauce and enough egg to bind 

    Season with sea salt and black pepper 

    Set aside while you wait for the pastry to defrost

    Lay the pastry sheet on bench

    Brush the top edge with egg 

    Cover 2/3 of the sheet with the potato mix

    Roll and place in fridge for at least 2 hours

    Heat oven to 180C

    Take roll out of fridge

    Cut into slices. 

    Place on baking sheet and brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with grated Parmesan Cheese and grate a little lemon zest over the top


    After 10 mins check. 

    I like to turn the tray around for the remainder of the Cook

    Should be done in another 5 mins

    This time some of them needed a little bit more time, so they went back for another 2 mins

    Remove from oven and leave to cool on rack

    Best served just warm, or room temperature

     Very tasty 

    So off to drinks, I went, accompanied by my tasty delights and they were a huge success

    Wednesday, July 24, 2024

    A Vegie Delight

    A Veggie Delight 


    I frequently have milk sitting in the fridge, I don't drink Milk or have it in either coffee or tea, but I like to have some 

    on hand just in case of course and  it is necessary for some cooking 

    I check the use by dates and when it is very close to the end ,  I usually turn the milk into bechamel sauce and freeze it

    Very handy 

    Also I tend to buy too many vege and need to use them up before they go off

    So, using what I had in my freezer and fridge, I concocted this delicious Pasta bake

     For my one cup of sauce I used these ingredients 

    Bechamel Sauce 1 cup (to make Bechamel Sauce see at bottom of the blog)

    1 tbs olive oil

    1 tbs butter 

    1/2 onion finely chopped 

    1/2 red pepper sliced

    1/2 courgette grated

    5 cherry tomatoes sliced

    Grated cheese

    Fresh breadcrumbs 

    To accompany

    I sautéed some red onion, sliced Bok Choy and some sliced 

    Celery lightly in a little olive oil


    In a pan melt the oil and butter

    Add onions sauté till soft

    Add red pepper and courgette and tomatoes

    Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 

    Continue to sauté till soft not browned 

    Warm your prepared  bechamel sauce 

    Add to vege 

    Place in greased baking dishes 

    Sprinkle with grated cheese and top with the breadcrumbs 

    You can prepare this far ahead and set aside for cooking later 

    Heat oven to 170C 

    Cook till bubbly and the top is getting crisp

    Serve with the sautéed vege on the side

    Voila...Dinner is served 

    Simple recipe for Bechamel Sauce

    50 gms Butter
    1/4 cup of plain flour
    2 1/2 cups of milk
    Sea salt and ground white pepper 

    Gently melt the butter in a pan
    Add flour and back on the heat for about a minute to cook the flour out
    Slowly add the milk stirring with each addition to avoid lumps 
    When all the milk is added 
    Slowly bring to a simmer stirring all of the time 
    Season with S & P to taste
    This is now your base for any white sauce that you would like to cook with
    It’s nice sometime to add a bay leaf while cooking but remove when the sauce is ready or the flavour will be too strong
    Set aside
    I am only using a cup of sauce for this recipe you can freeze the remainder another time

    Monday, April 08, 2024

    Waste Not Want Not

     Cooking for one person has it s challenges but I am a Leftover Queen and I hate waste
    Here's a little delight That was simple and delicious 

    I had 250 gms mince in the fridge and turned that into a bolognaise sauce

    Very simple 

    Olive oil

    1/2 red onion chopped 

    1 stick celery finely chopped

    1/2 carrot finely hopped 

    Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 

    Beef stock

    In a frying pan heat to medium heat

    Add 1 tbs olive oil

    Add mince and fry till brown

    Remove and set aside

    In the same pan 

    Add a little more oil

    Add onions sauce till soft

    Add other vege

    Season with S&P

    When soft

    Add mince back to the pan and add 

    Enough beef stock just to cover and simmer for about 15 -20 mis

    Meanwhile in a large pot of boiling salted water

    Add a cup of pasta (I used Conchiglee, which look like little ears )

    Cook for about 8-10 mins till al dente

    Drain, toss in a little oil 

    I like to add the sauce to the pasta before serving so that every little ear

    Is covered in sauce

    Serve covered with some grated Parmesan 

    Sometimes a little chopped parsley for colour 

    Of course there was quite a lot left over so I stored that in the freezer 

    Last night I had lamb chops with mashed potatoes and peas

    Of course again leftovers

    Now time to be a little creative 

    Cottage Pie me thinks

    I removed the left over bolognaise from the freezer

    I wanted to make it a bit more exciting

    So I made a small bechamel sauce 

    2 tbs butter

    1/2 red onion finely chopped

    2 tbs flour

    Sea salt and white pepper 


    Melt the butter in a pot and add the onion 

    Sauté till soft 

    Season with Sea Salt & ground white pepper 

    Add flour put back on the heat and gently heat till it forms a roux

    Start adding enough milk a bit at the time till you get the consistency you want

    Add to the mashed vege

    Put aside

    To assemble

    Grease  some ramekins, this amount made 3 dinners

    Add the mince mixture to the ramekin

    Cover with the potato mixture and 

    Voila, ready to go into the oven or freezer 

    When ready to cook

    Thaw and heat oven to 180C

    Grate some cheese on top

    And cook for about 20-30 mins till bubbling 


