“Madeleines in Manhattan” Colette Roussant
“A Year of Eating Dangerously” Tom Parker Bowles
“Kitchen Memoirs” Shonagh Koea
And the wonderful Tamasin Day Lewis “What Shall We Have For Lunch.”
If you can read all or any of them please do, they are wonderful.
Each book is fascinating and I don’t want them to end.
But life must go on and there is cooking to do.
Lovely Asha of Foodies Hope (have a look at her site here. Some of the best Indian Food you will find)... read my Cheddar Date and Orange Scone post and suggested I might like to try her Papaya Scones
I have and they are great.
The difference between what Americans call scones and what we of British stock call scones is probably an egg.
Their scone mixture is a batter where our scones are a dough
The American Scones keep better…our scones need to be eaten on the day just like a baguette.
Asha’s Papaya Scones
You need:
1 ¾ cup Plain flour,1/3 cup packed brown sugar,
2 teaspoons Baking powder,
¼ teaspoons salt,
1/3 cup firm unsalted butter or Margarine,(I used the butter),
1 Egg,
½ cup half and half of full cream milk and cream,
1 cup chopped ripe Papaya,
1/4 cup finely chopped Pecans or Walnuts or any nuts.

Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder.
Add cut up butter and mix with your fingers until they look like bread crumbs.
Add papaya and nuts mix to coat with flour
Add egg and cream beaten together and mix with a wooden spoon just until combined.
On an ungreased baking sheet, scoop 1/3 cup of mix and drop them 3" apart from each other.
Put it in the oven and bake for 18 mins or until golden brown on top.
Do not over bake.

Serve warm or at room temperature with jam or powdered sugar.

Thank you Asha
Had the last one this morning with coffee and even 2 days old were still tasty.
Oh, I love those books, will try and get them at the library one by one, thanks Gilly!
It's so wonderful to see fresh Papaya, reminds of India! Scones are different here from UK and biscuits too!:)
Your scones look better than mine, canned Papaya are very watery, not that good to use. Thanks for trying, enjoy!:)
ASsa Luckily for us living close to Pacific Islands we get Papaya all year round
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