Lana brought some Bloody Mary Prawns for the starter and they were delicious.
She found the recipe on the web site.
Click here to find out how to do it

Ingrid Hoffman is the host
I loved these Salt and Vinegar Roast Potatoes
Peel plenty of roasting potatoes and cut into chunks
Make marinade
¼ cup red wine vinegar
½ teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chilli
Pour over potatoes let soak 15 mins or so
Add ¼ cup olive oil mix well

Season with Salt and freshly ground black pepper
180C for 40 minutes
Peel and cut a red onion into chunks
Add to potatoes
20 mins @ 180C
The first time I made these potatoes I paired them with some beautiful fresh orange roughy.
I never used to buy it, as when we received at the fish mongers it was frozen and tastleless, but my fishmonger the lovely people at Catch a Fish Takeaways in Parnell assures me this is chilled not frozen.
It looks fab. So white and fresh.

Turned it over and added a little knob of butter.
About 3 minutes on each side not too hot. I didn’t want it crispy
A small broccoli salad to accompany these delights a meal fit for a king.

Buttercup Squash pureed with butter and with a grating of nutmeg
Filet of beef, marinated in mustard and red wine
Cooked to perfection by Dan on the BBQ
Ingrid had a Chimi churri sauce recipe
This is a traditional sauce served in Argentina with their wonderful beef.
On a visit to Buenos Areas, I was knocked over with their meat. The way they cook the meat is superb. Not at all afraid of seasoning and it is wonderful.
Personally I was a little disappointed with her recipe but this week (as luck would have it)
Tyler Florence on The Ultimate TV Show made his version and this is what I am giving to you now.
6 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
2 jalapenos, seeded and minced
¼ cup red wine vinegar
About ½ cup finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
About ½ cup finely chopped fresh oregano leaves
3 limes, juiced
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
Everything in the blender and whiz.
Makes a great marinade as well.
I also made
Mushroom sauce
Slice 700 gms brown mushrooms
Nice hot pan
Add 2 tablespoons olive oil
Add mushrooms toss around over high heat
Add good knob of butter
Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2-3 sprigs of thyme
When the juice has been absorbed add
100 mls wine
Reduce down
Add 2 tablespoons flour
Cook the flour taste out
Add enough beef stock to make a sauce.
It can be made earlier in the day.
Just before serving, add marinade from beef.
Another 5 minutes simmering.
Don’t forget to add any beef juices that have been released from the meat.
All adds to the wonderful flavours.
Now to the pudding
I saw this on the Britain’s Best Dishes programme.
This contestant made it to the semi finals, but was pipped at the post, not too worry this is a great pudding and the judges were very keen on it.
It is called
Bramley Crump
100 g butter, at room temperature •
100g sugar, granulated •
4 heaped tablespoons organic plain flour •
450 g Bramley apples (I used Granny Smith and Braeburn mix.)
1. For the crump topping, place the flour into an oven proof bowl and add the sugar and butter. 2. Transfer the bowl to the oven for 10-15 minutes until the butter has melted

4. Remove the crump mixture from oven and stir the ingredients together and spread over the part cooked apples.

You can make custard but I mixed equal quantities of marscapone and crème fraiche with a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a dusting of icing sugar.

They are all growing up so fast.
Sophia and Joseph stayed the night at our place all tucked up watching TV in bed.

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