Woke up to a grey day looked out the window, we overlook a courtyard.

Not much happening there. Found a great little café across the road, Le Metro.

Ordered breakfast. Coffee, Bread or croissant, orange juice and an omelet. 22 euros for two Not bad, found out they have wireless. That is great, as the wireless in the flat won't work. Quickly went back and got my computer and checked the mail. This will be handy.
Went wandering around our area.

We are situated in the Latin Quarter, not far from Notre Dame. Great situation, just outside the door a bank, Le Tabac, across the road on Tuesdays, Thursdays and the weekend, is the Outdoor market Maubert. Up the road the Laudrette and boulangeries, green grocers, butchers, the cheese lady, the chicken man... everything you need within seconds.

It was raining on and off but that didn’t matter, we have umbrellas. It is so colourful in Paris, so even grey days look wonderful.

Just around the corner is this fab bookshop, mentioned in the Lonely Planet, Shakespeare and Company, all my fears of not having enough to read are unfounded. Full of second hand books in French and English. Dale bought a Daniel Silva for $1. Run by an American It's got everything.

Just like a set out of movie.

Carry on a little, Le Palais du Justice

And Notre Dame...What a neighbourhood.

We were intrigued by some of the quaint shops I mean who would have thought “A Degustation Menu” from this little Chinese takeaway?

And a touch of Bollywood…

Things have changed since we were here 24 years ago, who would have imagined that the French would embrace foreign foods so well.
These children's clothes...So beautiful...so French

Looking for a gun Monsieur?

Even little Noddy has gone French. They call him Yes Yes.

So down these lovely alleys, just jammed with Cafes

A ‘maitre de’ from one of the restaurants, thrust his business card in my hand, touting for business, we decided against it right then and landed up in the “aptly named for the area” Latin St Jacques restaurant.
Fondue with Fried Potatoes and Ham. Yum.
This a scene really seen Dale writing a postcard to Michael

We had passed this Pub. Paris is full of Michaels

The fondue was divine.

Wonderful ham and fried potatoes. Hard to be a slim person here. How do the French do it?Obviously all those cigarettes and red wine.
Mind you the ban on smoking in restaurants has been enforced. No arguments with that.

Fascinating, how do the cars get in and out of the car parks.

If you have a smart car no problemo.

Home for a rest, and then the McCreadys came over and we ventured out to show them our area. It is a plethora of restaurants Everything you could dream of. Love these Creperies. Nutella big on the menu, wouldn’t the kids be thrilled?

So on reflection, we decided to take up the offer from our man of the morning, and headed off to Restaurant Cour de la Huchette
It was a great choice, the staff were fun and the food was good. I had Foie Gras and Magret .
Then JT and I shared a Mint Chocolate Pudding.
It was great fun.
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