View from Whangaroa Marina Tuesday 28th December 2010
Far North 2010-11
So once again a cloudy day which is good for driving not too hot Everything going smoothly till we reached the Toll Rd what a pain 1 hour to go 3 kms.
Onto Ms June’s country estate up in the Kaipara hills beautiful views. While there got a call from the Armourguard people, the alarm had gone off. Luckily Chris was at work, building builing… and he was able to go around to check up. Surprisingly! he found the garage door open. In our rather stressful departure we forgot to close it. I suspect the little neighbourhood cat got in and set the alarm off. That was lucky or we could have been open for days, perfect pickings for burglars. Quelle domage,
After tasty lunch with June she drove us back to her parents place where we packed ourselves into our cars and then back on the road again. All going well, till out of Wellsford, once again major traffic jam but we were patient and finally we were heading to Whangaroa. Decided against shopping in Keri Keri and just went onto the Marina, unloaded just before the rain came. Unpacked and Lana made nibbles, big fat G & T and not long out of bed.
Tuesday off to Keri Keri bought provisions and clothes including a new sunhat, when will we ever get to use it I wonder.
Back for lunch, rest, dress up for dinner at the Gamefish Club but the rains came down again So we had whitebait fritters with a salad. NICE
Sick of storms now just want the sun. Watched first 2 episodes of Downton Abbey
Courtesy John and JT excellent series.
Wednesday, finally left the Marina and off to find a nice quiet Bay. No rain, warm but not really summer yet
I made French Bread, (read this post for the recipe) we ate it with French Cheese and side bits and bobs. NZ Wine, preceded by Pastis. So onto an afternoon of reading.
Duck for dinner with roast vege. More Downton Abbey and another good nights sleep.
Bloody drizzling, so a lie in was the best thing to do, I’m onto Book 2 already. Sun please put your hat on and come out it play.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
What to Do with Tomatoes and Vodka -Well, Make Vodka for Bloody Marys
Merry Christmas Everyone
Looking for something to make and also you could give this as a present.
Tomato Infused Vodka… accompanied by your own homemade tomato juice.
By the way these are the ingredients for a superb Bloody Mary.
Bloody Marys for me, really have be drunk pre-noon, with brunch or pre-lunch. I sampled this cocktail last night, pre-dinner. It tasted fabulous, but its just not right at that time of day
But enough of this frivolity.
Take 1 litre bottle of Vodka (you don’t have to Top Shelf on this but no Kerosene please)
750 gms good ripe tomatoes
2 x 1 litre preserving jar
Just cut up the tomatoes into wedges
Divide between the 2 jars
Top up with VodkaScrew on lid
Quick shake and just leave for 5-7 days.
Strain and re-bottle.
You can chill this down and have as a shot, with a drop of Tabasco
Or turn it into this excellent Bloody Mary.
Couple of hints I discovered this recipe on Alton Browns Good Eats TV programme.
I used the Habanera Tabasco, it really has a kick so be careful, how much you put in.
2 teaspoons of that were quite powerful
I like spicy but not rip the roof of your mouth off.
Also I still think a perfect BM has celery salt in it. So I added that.
750gms cherry tomatoes
2 teaspoon Tabasco
3 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Good shake celery salt
Throw everything into the blender
Whiz away for at least, 1 minute 30 seconds
Either use straight away, or you can store in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.
Actually another use for this divine juice is mix it with Mayo and makes a great dip for seafood or even a potato salad.
Here's a Handy Hint for keeping Fresh Herbs
Pick your Herbs from the Garden, when they are very dry. Not wet... AT ALL.
Place them into little Ziplock Bags. Gently squash all of the air out and they will keep up to 3 weeks.
For hard herbs Do the same and pop them into the freezer.
Really works.
Pictured above... they had been in the fridge for over 2 weeks and good as new.
Looking for something to make and also you could give this as a present.
Tomato Infused Vodka… accompanied by your own homemade tomato juice.
By the way these are the ingredients for a superb Bloody Mary.
Bloody Marys for me, really have be drunk pre-noon, with brunch or pre-lunch. I sampled this cocktail last night, pre-dinner. It tasted fabulous, but its just not right at that time of day
But enough of this frivolity.
Take 1 litre bottle of Vodka (you don’t have to Top Shelf on this but no Kerosene please)
750 gms good ripe tomatoes
2 x 1 litre preserving jar
Just cut up the tomatoes into wedges
Divide between the 2 jars
Top up with VodkaScrew on lid
Quick shake and just leave for 5-7 days.
Strain and re-bottle.
You can chill this down and have as a shot, with a drop of Tabasco
Or turn it into this excellent Bloody Mary.
Couple of hints I discovered this recipe on Alton Browns Good Eats TV programme.
I used the Habanera Tabasco, it really has a kick so be careful, how much you put in.
2 teaspoons of that were quite powerful
I like spicy but not rip the roof of your mouth off.
Also I still think a perfect BM has celery salt in it. So I added that.
750gms cherry tomatoes
2 teaspoon Tabasco
3 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Good shake celery salt
Throw everything into the blender
Whiz away for at least, 1 minute 30 seconds
Either use straight away, or you can store in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.
Actually another use for this divine juice is mix it with Mayo and makes a great dip for seafood or even a potato salad.
Here's a Handy Hint for keeping Fresh Herbs
Pick your Herbs from the Garden, when they are very dry. Not wet... AT ALL.
Place them into little Ziplock Bags. Gently squash all of the air out and they will keep up to 3 weeks.
For hard herbs Do the same and pop them into the freezer.
Really works.
Pictured above... they had been in the fridge for over 2 weeks and good as new.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
They Are Sailing - Food For Travellers
So its that time of the year again. As we speak, Our Boat Cajun Moon is going North.
It will be parked and will be awaiting us in Whangaroa Marina. So after all of the Merry Making, we shall drive North, with our friend and constant sailing buddy Lana.
On this trip, Dale has our friend Andy, as first mate.
Of course this trip of the two blokes, means a bit of filling the freezer, from me.
So I put pots into action and made them some really good food.
Fish Pie is a favourite and I pinched an idea from Annabel Langbein.
I added lemon juice and the zest of 2 lemons to the béchamel sauce.
What a great idea. I think I will do that Every time now. Wonderful flavour.
I like to quickly pan fry the fish for extra flavour but please do not overcook as it has more cooking in the oven and it needs to keep moist
Also the addition of grated carrot adds some sweetness
So I used 3 lots of fish. Salmon, a meaty white fish, like ling or lemon fish and prawns.
Béchamel sauce
1 shallot finely chopped
1 carrot grated
200 gms butter
200 gms flour
1 litre milk
2 lemons zested and juiced
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil
150 gms salmon filet
150 gms lemon fish
150 gms prawns
400 gms mashing potatoes
100 mls Milk
50 gms Butter
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Grated cheese
First peel and cook the potatoes, in salted boiling water till soft enough to mash
When cooked, drain and let steam a little to dry.
If you have a potato ricer use it, or you can just mash with a masher
Add hot milk, a bit at a time till it is the right consistency and then the butter
Beat well with a fork
Taste, and once again adjust seasoning, if necessary and set aside.
To make the sauce
Melt the butter in a big pot
Add shallots and carrot
Gently cook till they are soft
Add flour
Season with S &P
Cook about 2-3 minutes to cook out the flour taste
Warm the milk and add to the roux
Stir well till it thickens
If it is too thick add more milk
Cook another few minutes
Add lemon juice and zest
Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary
Put aside
Season the fish and prawns with S &P
Gently pan fry in a little olive oil
Just a few minutes to get some extra flavour
Cool, flake and add to sauce
Pour into baking dish
Cover with Mashed potatoes
Sprinkle with grated cheese
Heat oven to 180C
Bake about 30 minutes till bubbling and golden.
Let cool a little and devour.
I made this in foil containers for the trip.
Cover with lid and place in freezer.
All ready for the boys to just pop into the oven.
If they can remember how to work it!!!
Japanese Lamb and Eggplant Curry
I love the Japanese Curry Paste. The flavour is so different to your actual Thai or Indian Curries.
Japanese Curry Paste has ‘Umami’ have a look here…
This savouriness, is probably the best way to describe it. (Actually its got MSG in it. Not wise to eat it a lot, but this of course, is why it is so good)
I have had a text from the Travelers 2 days ago, and they loved the Curry, so it’s worth making.
Cooking the rice, was a challenge for them. Maybe next time, I cook and freeze rice as well!
I like to have the vegetable chunky for this dish so here we go.
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 Lamb leg chops
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large onion cut into wedges
1 large eggplant cut into med cubes
1 carrot peeled and cut into chunks
Chicken Stock
1/2 packet Japanese Curry paste
Lightly season the chops with S & P
Heat the oil in a pan and sear them
Remove and set aside
When cool break into chunks
Add the onions to the pan cook till translucent
Add eggplant and the carrot
Cook for another 5 minutes, till they start to soften
Return Lamb to Pan
Cover with Chicken stock
Bring to boil and simmer gently for about 30 minutes till the lamb is tender
Put the curry paste into a small bowl
Add about 1/2 cup of the liquid from the pan
Dissolve and return to pan
Stir well and cook again for about another 15 minutes.
Keep an eye on it, as the paste thicken the curry and you don’t want it to stick
Serve with rice
Guaranteed yummy.
I thought the Crew needed some vegetables and something that will freeze well, is Ratatouille
The fabulous Provencal Vegetable Stew
This is my version and a good one I think.
I make it by sautéing the vege one at a time then put together at the end
3 tablespoons good olive oil
I red onion chopped into wedges
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 tomatoes cut into wedges
1 red pepper and 1 yellow freshly ground black pepper cut into chunks
1 med eggplant into chinks
2 courgettes thick slices
Extra 3 tomatoes cut into chunks
1 tablespoon dried Oregano
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pinch red chili flakes
Grab nice big pot
Add olive oil and sauté the onions with the garlic, then courgettes, peppers, eggplant and the first lot of tomatoes separately, till tender with some colour.
Don’t forget to season each layer
Put to one side
You may need to add some more olive oil with each addition. Its up to you.
Then place the last 3 tomatoes into the food processor Whiz, till they form a nice juice
Put into pan, season with S & P, oregano and chili flakes
Bring to simmer
Add all the vege back
Mix well carefully you don’t want to break up the vegetables.
I would serve it warm, not hot, but it also is very good at room temperature.
I also made them a meat sauce to pour over pasta
So I think all the food groups are well covered .
Have Good Sailing Boys.
It will be parked and will be awaiting us in Whangaroa Marina. So after all of the Merry Making, we shall drive North, with our friend and constant sailing buddy Lana.
On this trip, Dale has our friend Andy, as first mate.
Of course this trip of the two blokes, means a bit of filling the freezer, from me.
So I put pots into action and made them some really good food.
Fish Pie is a favourite and I pinched an idea from Annabel Langbein.
I added lemon juice and the zest of 2 lemons to the béchamel sauce.
What a great idea. I think I will do that Every time now. Wonderful flavour.
I like to quickly pan fry the fish for extra flavour but please do not overcook as it has more cooking in the oven and it needs to keep moist
Also the addition of grated carrot adds some sweetness
So I used 3 lots of fish. Salmon, a meaty white fish, like ling or lemon fish and prawns.
Béchamel sauce
1 shallot finely chopped
1 carrot grated
200 gms butter
200 gms flour
1 litre milk
2 lemons zested and juiced
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil
150 gms salmon filet
150 gms lemon fish
150 gms prawns
400 gms mashing potatoes
100 mls Milk
50 gms Butter
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Grated cheese
First peel and cook the potatoes, in salted boiling water till soft enough to mash
When cooked, drain and let steam a little to dry.
If you have a potato ricer use it, or you can just mash with a masher
Add hot milk, a bit at a time till it is the right consistency and then the butter
Beat well with a fork
Taste, and once again adjust seasoning, if necessary and set aside.
To make the sauce
Melt the butter in a big pot
Add shallots and carrot
Gently cook till they are soft
Add flour
Season with S &P
Cook about 2-3 minutes to cook out the flour taste
Warm the milk and add to the roux
Stir well till it thickens
If it is too thick add more milk
Cook another few minutes
Add lemon juice and zest
Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary
Put aside
Season the fish and prawns with S &P
Gently pan fry in a little olive oil
Just a few minutes to get some extra flavour
Cool, flake and add to sauce
Pour into baking dish
Cover with Mashed potatoes
Sprinkle with grated cheese
Heat oven to 180C
Bake about 30 minutes till bubbling and golden.
Let cool a little and devour.
I made this in foil containers for the trip.
Cover with lid and place in freezer.
All ready for the boys to just pop into the oven.
If they can remember how to work it!!!
Japanese Lamb and Eggplant Curry
I love the Japanese Curry Paste. The flavour is so different to your actual Thai or Indian Curries.
Japanese Curry Paste has ‘Umami’ have a look here…
This savouriness, is probably the best way to describe it. (Actually its got MSG in it. Not wise to eat it a lot, but this of course, is why it is so good)
I have had a text from the Travelers 2 days ago, and they loved the Curry, so it’s worth making.
Cooking the rice, was a challenge for them. Maybe next time, I cook and freeze rice as well!
I like to have the vegetable chunky for this dish so here we go.
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 Lamb leg chops
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large onion cut into wedges
1 large eggplant cut into med cubes
1 carrot peeled and cut into chunks
Chicken Stock
1/2 packet Japanese Curry paste
Lightly season the chops with S & P
Heat the oil in a pan and sear them
Remove and set aside
When cool break into chunks
Add the onions to the pan cook till translucent
Add eggplant and the carrot
Cook for another 5 minutes, till they start to soften
Return Lamb to Pan
Cover with Chicken stock
Bring to boil and simmer gently for about 30 minutes till the lamb is tender
Put the curry paste into a small bowl
Add about 1/2 cup of the liquid from the pan
Dissolve and return to pan
Stir well and cook again for about another 15 minutes.
Keep an eye on it, as the paste thicken the curry and you don’t want it to stick
Serve with rice
Guaranteed yummy.
I thought the Crew needed some vegetables and something that will freeze well, is Ratatouille
The fabulous Provencal Vegetable Stew
This is my version and a good one I think.
I make it by sautéing the vege one at a time then put together at the end
3 tablespoons good olive oil
I red onion chopped into wedges
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 tomatoes cut into wedges
1 red pepper and 1 yellow freshly ground black pepper cut into chunks
1 med eggplant into chinks
2 courgettes thick slices
Extra 3 tomatoes cut into chunks
1 tablespoon dried Oregano
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pinch red chili flakes
Grab nice big pot
Add olive oil and sauté the onions with the garlic, then courgettes, peppers, eggplant and the first lot of tomatoes separately, till tender with some colour.
Don’t forget to season each layer
Put to one side
You may need to add some more olive oil with each addition. Its up to you.
Then place the last 3 tomatoes into the food processor Whiz, till they form a nice juice
Put into pan, season with S & P, oregano and chili flakes
Bring to simmer
Add all the vege back
Mix well carefully you don’t want to break up the vegetables.
I would serve it warm, not hot, but it also is very good at room temperature.
I also made them a meat sauce to pour over pasta
So I think all the food groups are well covered .
Have Good Sailing Boys.
fish pie,
All Homemade Bloody Marys
It's Christmas and it's also preparation time for the Summer Holidays...Inspired by Alton Brown on Food TV, I am making Tomato Infused Vodka, to make Bloody Marys. Also a fresh Tomato Juice to serve with it. This is so simple and I think it is going to be fantastic.
Beware of the Humble Habenero Tabasco.It is HOT but delicious.
So for 3 x 1 litres jars.
I bought 1700 mls of Vodka, doesn't have to be the very flash stuff.
But please no kerosene!
1 kg of fresh red tomatoes
Cut into 8 and place in the 3 jars
Top up with the Vodka and leave for at least a week.
Shake once a day.
And he showed how to make the Tomato Juice to go with it.
Quick as flash
But a warning
I used the Habanero Tabasco, I think 1 teaspoon of that would be enough
It's pretty fiery. So I had to put in a spoonful of sugar to help balance the heat.
Next time I will get the normal Tabasco.
I will post again when it is all complete.
Just put into the blender
800 gms Cherry Tomatoes
2 teaspoons Tabasco
3 teaspoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons of Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 tsp Sea salt
Blend for 1 1/2 minutes.
It will store in the fridge for up to a month.
I actually made my juice into ice blocks
and will make a new batch... Not quite so hot
I can see Great bloody Marys next week.
Maybe Christmas morning. Yum
Christmas is so much fun.
Beware of the Humble Habenero Tabasco.It is HOT but delicious.
So for 3 x 1 litres jars.
I bought 1700 mls of Vodka, doesn't have to be the very flash stuff.
But please no kerosene!
1 kg of fresh red tomatoes
Cut into 8 and place in the 3 jars
Top up with the Vodka and leave for at least a week.
Shake once a day.
And he showed how to make the Tomato Juice to go with it.
Quick as flash
But a warning
I used the Habanero Tabasco, I think 1 teaspoon of that would be enough
It's pretty fiery. So I had to put in a spoonful of sugar to help balance the heat.
Next time I will get the normal Tabasco.
I will post again when it is all complete.
Just put into the blender
800 gms Cherry Tomatoes
2 teaspoons Tabasco
3 teaspoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons of Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 tsp Sea salt
Blend for 1 1/2 minutes.
It will store in the fridge for up to a month.
I actually made my juice into ice blocks
and will make a new batch... Not quite so hot
I can see Great bloody Marys next week.
Maybe Christmas morning. Yum
Christmas is so much fun.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Heroes of the Mine"- Dedicated to Our Miners, Their Families and Friends
This week a big box of photos and memorabilia was delivered to me. It had been in storage for about 10 years.
As I was sifting through papers, belonging to my Father, on Wednesday morning... I came across this poem written by My Grandfather, dated 5th March 1927
It was particularly relevant and poignant, due to the terrible tragedy, unfolding here in the West Coast of New Zealand.
As I was typing the Poem, to send to my family, there was a newsflash, that there had been a second explosion and that the 29 Miners, trapped in the mine would have perished.
In shock, I Googled 1927, and found that indeed there was another terrible tragedy, on 1st March 1927 in
The Marine Colliery
Cwm, Blaenau Gwent
55 souls perished.
This area was close to my family home in Rogerstone, Monmouthshire, Wales
My Grandfather, John Samuel was obviously moved by that disaster and on the 5th March 1927, he wrote this poem,
I had to share it. So relevant.
I never knew my Grandad (he died aged 65 in 1929). I wish I had.
Heroes of the Mine
Not alone on the fields of battle
Mid the roar of shell and gun
Where the awful fight is raging
Is the name of Hero won.
Who will dare to tell the story
That our heroes all are dead?
No, we have them by the thousand
In the fight for daily bread
Facing death with all its terrors
In the dark and tragic mine,
Risking all to save a brother
With an energy sublime
Once again that awful message
Flashes through the morning air
Filling homes that were so happy
With its note of sad despair.
While the cry for willing helpers
Stirs each faithful loyal heart,
Ready, stands a band of heroes
Eager there to play their part.
Nurses, Doctors, grim old miners
Quickly answers to the call,
If by chance to save a brother
In the fight they too may fall.
Noble deeds has been recorded
That should stir our hearts with pride,
Men of stations high and lowly
Stand together side by side
Let those deeds be ne-er forgotten
Deep engraved upon each heart,
For a duty done so nobly
Each one played a heroes part.
John Samuel 5th March 1927
Monday, November 15, 2010
Easy Healthy Bread
Annabel Langbein’s Easy Bread
I was watching Annabel Langbein’s TV Programme on TV1 and she made this very easy bread.
I decided to try it and it was very good.
I halved the recipe and just made one loaf.
Now it does need time to cool, before you cut or it just becomes a mess, but it tastes terrific.
4 teaspoons honey
2 cups very hot water
2 cups cold water
7 teaspoons yeast
2 3/4 cups whole meal flour
2 3/4 cups strong white flour
3 teaspoons salt
2 cups sunflower seeds
Handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds to topping (Optional)
Into a bowl add the honey and the hot water
Dissolve the honey and add the cold water
This should now be hand hot water, perfect for yeast to work
If it is a bit hot, let it cool a little
Sprinkle yeast on top and let it bloom
Set aside 5 minutes
In another bowl place the flours and the salt and the sunflower seeds
Add yeast and water
Mix and pour into 2 greased loaf tine
Sprinkle top with Pumpkin or Sunflower seeds
Snip top of loaves with scissors or slash with a night
Into 80C oven for 20 minutes to help rising
Then turn up to 210C and cook a further 30 minutes.
I found that the 30 minutes was not long enough so I did the Doris Grant trick
Took the loaf our of the tin and put it back into the oven for another 10-15 minutes.
When you remove it tap it
It should sound hollow
Then it’s done.
It is delicious.
Toasted a slice for breakfast, with melted Butter, Vegemite and Tomato slices.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Peach, Blueberry and Craisin Pie, Absolutely Fabulous
I have been messing around with fruit pie fillings and this is so good I have to share it.
I used bought frozen pastry but next time I will make my own.
A hint from Ina Garten, when cooking fruit pies, toss the fruit in a little flour to thicken the juices while it cooks.
When it hot its like eating hot chunky berry jam.
1 400 gm tin sliced peaches (drained and chopped into chunks)
1 1/2 cups of frozen blueberries (thawed)
Handful of Craisins
2 heaped teaspoons flour
2 tablespoons demerara sugar
2 x sheets of frozen Sweet Short pastry
1 egg whisked with a tablespoon of water (egg wash)
1 tablespoon demerara sugar
Place all the fruit, flour and sugar into a bowl and toss well
Set aside
Meanwhile heat oven to 190C
Grease a 20cm pie tin
Roll pastry to fit tin
Also roll a lid
Let rest in fridge for 20 minutes
Remove from fridge
Prick base with fork
Fill with the fruit
Brush edges with egg wash
Top with lid
Press edges together
Make a couple of slits in the top
Brush with egg wash and sprinkle over with the remaining demerara sugar
Into oven for 25 minutes
Remove and cover with foil and put back into oven for another 15 minutes.
Look at it beautiful

Hint: I found that even after that time, the bottom is still not cooked properly
If this happens to you
Let the pie cool a little
Remove from tin and put back into the oven, onto a hot baking sheet.
Loosely cover with foil to stop burning
And give it another 10 minutes
Remove and cool
It is divine. I just love it.
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