Up, and there awaiting us, was freshly squeezed orange juice, croissants, toast, eggs if we wanted them. And English Marmite. Now I am a Vegemite girl. NZ Marmite is very strong tasting and quite hard to spread. It’s been 40 years since I had English Marmite and I have to admit I really liked it . Toast spread with lovely French butter, Marmite and a piece of tomato on top. Heaven.
Look out the window and how about this for a start to your day.

When we had fully recovered we went back into Fresnay Sur Sarthe.
Saturday is Market Day.
Annie brought prawns from her fish lady, more bread and some nibbles from Madame Patard, Proprietor of the Patissier pictured below...roast chicken and Boudin Blanc for dinner from the Charcuterie.

The French love their Roast Chickens. The smell is divine, you'd be hard pushed to not buy one.

Just a mass of colour.
Nice potatoes, some artichokes to add to the already overflowing fruit and vege bowls back at the cottage Or should I say “Back at Mill”!

We wandered around the village.
Aren't the French clever... got an empty shop, just get an artist to paint a facade

Really impressive.

Some Images of Fresnay sur Sarthe.

Of course before we ventured home, a little Pastis to be consumed from this lovely little Cafe.

So Home for lunch. The tasty morsels from Madame Patard's Patisserie.

Dale and Annie settling in for lunch.
Prawns, more cheese, more rillettes, lots more wine and back to bed for the afternoon nap.

The two D's Daisy and Dale

Something we never get to see in New Zealand, Mole Hills . Like Possums in NZ, they are a major pest, but of course, I only have childhood stories in my head, and can only see Brown Velvety Creatures wearing glasses.

Annie has UK Sky, so we watched clever young comedian Alan Carr, after our excellent Boudin Blanc (with new potatoes), dinner.
More food coming up.
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